Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Last week I posted a blog about how I was going to kick off the week with BBQ tips and recipes. I was so excited. I had 5 recipes in my back pocket ready to post. Then, it all fell apart. I was without a computer for 5 days. I was having writing withdrawals all weekend!! What happened was; I took my computer over to my parent’s house to write while my kids took their afternoon nap. 1. I never wrote a letter, instead, I fell asleep with my younger son. 2. I needed a nap. Yup, that’s how I rationalize this whole ordeal. Back to my tale of withdrawal, I left my computer at my parent’s house and not all the bribing and pleading in the world was I able to get my father or sister to drop it off at my house. Finally, yesterday, my sister dropped it by on her way to the gym (ya, I didn’t go with her, by the way. I was cookin, priorities, you know) I was united again with my hardware buddy. I wanted to go to work immediately on updating my Blog. Well, that didn’t happen either. I fell asleep. Hey, sleep is the main priority for me with a house full of kids and a job, so, every wink counts. For now I am up and running but I am in the process of changing my website to a new format. Can't wait to see what you think!! -Mama GO TO http://www.thesuburbanmamablog.com/ Have Fun!! Suburban Mama

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Week of Tasty Bites

Last Sunday I was invited to a Bridal Shower for my close friend and cousin. It was a welcome outing to my very cloistered day to day life. Everything was quite lovely; the food, the company and the scrumptious Mimosas. Yummy!
As the Bridal Shower progressed and the conversations flowed, I was pleasantly surprised by how many people told me how much they enjoyed my blogging. I was, even more, surprised at the feedback I received from my Blog. I couldn’t believe how many people, not only read my posts, but enjoyed them.
One comment gave me a "oh duh" moment. My cousin reminded me that it was a cooking blog and the cooking was sparse.
Well, let me explain, (here come the excuses). I did not realize the work it took to breathe life into an always evolving stream of information. The time it took to take pictures of food (while cooking the food), was a bit of a challenge. Add in, tracking down the photos, sorting them and getting them uploaded to the web page was also a monstrous task.
So, this week, kicks off a week of pure recipes. A week of Tasty Bites.
A recipe will be posted every day for the next 7 days. Since it is Summer and it is quite warm and perfect outside, I will be doing a lot of grilling recipes. Let the rubs and marinades begin.

Good Bye Gemima, Hello Suburban Mama

When I started this blog, I had no clue what I was doing (and I still don't). I had to think of a name and get it to relate to me and my audience.
This is how Gemima was born. I did not want to give my real name, so I relied on my childhood name to introduce myself to the public. Posts were written and people responded, but, as I wrote, I felt I was not writing about who I truly was or what I can bring to the table. I thought the name needed to evolve.
Welcome to my new Blog name, Suburban Mama. After all, that is what I am. I live in the suburbs and I'm a mom.
Suburban Mama will be a place where I can tell the true tales of an everyday woman living her crazy life in the suburbs, raising her little munchkins. Add in a recipe section and BAM. I'm here! 
The Sub-title is 'Tasty Bites with a splash of Mama Admissions'. Translation, a place where recipes and motherly advice, horror stories, happy tales and everything else far and in-between, can flow from my mind.
I hope you don't miss Gemima to much and you give a warm welcome to Me, The Suburban Mama!!

Hope you enjoy and welcome back

Friday, July 19, 2013

Not Conquering My Fears

Yesterday, well, yesterday was a horrid day (I do not exaggerate).
It started out just perfect. It was the last day of our family vacation. Everyone rolled out of bed as late as our children would allow,7:30. It's better than 6:30. It's the little things in life. As the old folks creaked and cracked down the long, wooden stairs and continued the zombie walk to the nearest outlet of caffeine we poured our cups and headed outside to absorb as much ocean breeze as possible. When the clock rang 10 we jumped into action. Cleaning the house and packing all the cars. The last counter, the last load of laundry, the last bike loaded was done at 11:45. 15 minutes before we needed to vacate the premises. Since no one wanted to re-enter reality, we stopped at the local museum to pet the fishies and dig up some sea shells. It was really a great time to see all the kids oohing and ahhing over the fish and sea creatures. As soon as we finished there, we headed over to the local snack shack to snag some corndogs. As we sat in the shade, taking in our last breath of the crisp, sea air, we said our bitter sweet goodbyes to all the cousins. my kids cried, so my sister bribed them with Starburst for smooches and hugs.
The car ride was quick and quiet. It took only 4 minutes for the boys to fall asleep. Once I arrived back in my home town, I was automatically welcomed by the heat and garlic smells of Garlic City. I actually missed it.
Everything was running smooth at home. The boys were sleeping, so I pured myself an ice coffee and dove into the unloading process. I couldn't believe I actually unloaded my car on the same day that I arrived home. That never happens.
I made my first home cooked meal for just 4 people. I was so used to cooking for a herd of children that I still placed 8 plates on the table. (sigh) I already missed the beach.
It was still so hot in Garlic City, at 6:30, so the boys and I ate in the backyard. My husband wasn't home from work yet so we all sat at the kids table.
While the kids finished up their dinner and dessert I decided it was a good time to clean up the yard. I started to put all the toys in a pile on the lawn so I could rinse off the porch.
And that is when it happened. The horrid part of my perfect day had started. I pulled a crate away from the wall of the house and I heard the dreaded rip of a spider web. If you live in California, you know that rip of the spider web does not belong to a harmless house spider but to the dreaded Black Widow Queen!
I wanted to scream, cry, freak out, but I couldn't. My children were just playing next to her sticky home and I had to do something about it. Everyone, everything is always welcomed at my house, just not her. With one bite, a Black Widow could send my children to the hospital and could even be life threatening for my youngest son. I grabbed my 2 sons and ran into the house. I told them that the day would be special because they could have extra ice cream and watch a movie because I did not want them outside anymore. The boys sat there on the coach as happy as ever enjoying their treats.
I knew I had to do something. I sat their holding my youngest thinkinh, my husband is not home to squoosh the dreaded she-monster and by the time he gets home she might have moved on. I had to do something.
I had to face the biggest fear in my life in and do something about it.
Now you might think I'm being dramatic. It's just a bug, get over it. It is not only my female fear of all things creepy and crawly (well yes it is), it is something more than that. That small midnight black creature is a force not to mess with. The minuscule creature could, in one bite, threaten the life of my children. NO ONE threatens my children and gets away with it. I had to do something. I had to grab the bull by the horn, swallow my fear and get the threat away from my children.
I first needed to gear up for the battle the would rage between a mother guarding her young and the midnight mistress threatening to harm them..
I put on a long sleeve shirt, jeans and my zebra print, rain boots (they are fabulous). I went to the kitchen and put my cleaning gloves and my husbands construction goggles on ( I was a site). I was ready. I grabbed the spider poison and headed for the backyard. I stood by the back door for what seemed like forever. I said a prayer to St. Francis (patron of animals). I asked him to help me to be brave and courageous.
I walked out my back door and turned around because the monster was hiding under the lip of the sliding door! I just started spraying.I sprayed for ever. All I was doing was coating her think fortress with poison. I started to panic. I was not about to engage her on her home turf. After another 5 minutes she, finally, fell to the floor. She was coming toward me. I froze! I couldn't move. She was getting closer. I had to do something. The spray was not working. She was too strong. I thought of my children. I had to keep them safe. My adrenaline was surging. I was shaking. I had to kill her once and for all. As she crept closer, my motherly instinct kicked it. I crushed her with my beloved zebra print, rain boots. She was so big that I heard a pop. I yelled and squealed as I repeatedly jump on her corps.
Normally, Black Widows are no bigger than a grape. She was not. Her whole being was as big as a silver dollar. Her body the size of a cherry pit. She was the biggest I have ever seen and she was gone. My children were safe. I could rest assure that she would not come for them as they played innocently with their toys.
I was still shaking from the adrenaline. I stripped down to my underwears and ran inside to the shower. I didn't care if the whole neighborhood saw me. My clothes are still on the ground outside. I had to get the fear off of me.
Once the ordeal was over I just sat on the couch with my kids, still shaken from the battle that had just ensued.
My oldest son asked me what was wrong. I said nothing and kissed him on the forehead.

The fear that I have for Her will never go away. I will always squealed and jump whenever I come across her dark fortress. This is one fear that I am OK with not ever getting over. The fear not only for the black beast but for the safety of my children. And I will always do anything for them, to insure the safety of their being.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sir Groucho-Foghorn-Pterodactyle-Monster Movie bash

As my vacation comes to an end, my sisters and I decided to take ALL of our 10 KIDS, under the age of 5, to the movies. The movie theater is just up the street from the beach we were staying at, so, it was a quick trip for the afternoon. We crammed all the little chickens in 2 cars and drove up to the theater. Let the adventure begin. And, Yes, we are crazy.
We arrived 30 minutes before the matinee screening. It was a miracle that we were early and an even bigger miracle that we arrived 30 minutes before. The idea behind all this was that we would get the best seats, quick food service and have all the kids settled in before the movie begun. No!! When we arrived at the theater it was still closed, it was freezing cold and 5 of the 10 kids had to pee.
The theater employee rolled up to the theater at 11:55! 5 minutes before our movie was to begin. The minute she turned the key, the kids bulldozed through the doors. The ones that had to 'go' went and the leftovers ran straight to the candy shelf. There was no food prepared and everything was grossly over priced. More so, than normal theaters.
After I spent my life savings on lunch, we continued to find our seats. Luckily, we were the first ones in the theater, so we snagged the best seats in the house.
I settled into my seat with my youngest son and waited for the movie to roll. He was sipping on sweat, ice tea taking in the movie experience. He was as happy as could be.
This is when disaster hit. The minute the lights went out and the movie came on. My son freaked out. he resembled a fog horn in the mist of the movie theater crowd. I quickly excused myself from the theater. Not only because he sounded like a baby Pterodactyl but because I was so, so embarrassed.
We sat outside, just peeking through the movie theater door for about 15 minutes. The movie attendant had the audacity to walk over to me and Foghorn and tell me that the million pretzels and hot dogs, we had ordered, were finally ready. I didn't want to go back into the movie with Sir Groucho, but I was ready to enter the battle field once again.  I picked up 8 hotdogs, 5 pretzels and a 21 month old and begin the movie theater waddle. It's when a person morphs into Egor from Frankenstein., you know the waddle. My goal was not to obstruct anybodies view. (Not likely). In no time, the Foghorn went off again and I threw the food at my sister and ran for the hills. I couldn't believe Sir Groucho would not subside to soda, candy, hotdogs or just plain bribery. I had it up to my forehead. I went back into the movie, walked up to my sister and asked her for a Binky. Which, by the way had fallen under the seats. So with Pterodactyl in my arms, I crawled under the seats looking for the stupid Binky. Finally I found it, grabbed a wet wipe and plugged the Foghorn. I continued to go stand in the farthest, darkest corner in the theater with Sir Groucho. It only took a minute before I heard the sweet sounds of snoring. I think that is every mothers favorite sound. I felt like the audience started to clap for me because I had won the battle against the evil Sir Groucho-Foghorn-Pterodactyl Monster. But I think that was only in my mind.
The minute I sat down to enjoy a sip of soda and a Junior Mint. The lights came on and the movie was over.
I just love my, Sir Groucho-Foghorn-Pterodactyl-Monster.
Needless to say, he slept for another 3 hours. He needed it. I took full advantage of his exhaustion and joined him for a little shut eye.
By the way, The bits I did see of the movie were quite hilarious! Lipstick Tazer!! Despicable Me 2 is a must see.

Ce la vie

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Breath Son

Today I sat in my closet for ten minutes and just cried. I cried like a little baby. I cried so hard that I could barely open my eyes because they were completely swollen shut. I think it was a long time coming. Every woman needs a good cry every once in a while. Well, it's more like a quarterly meeting for me and my closet floor. What set me off this time? Have a seat and let me share with you every mothers nightmare. Today, I was packing for our yearly, family vacation. It is the one time of year that I can pack up my whole house and go away from the heat and smell of Garlic City. I usually pack 5 bags because a girl just never knows what to bring and I need a bag for all my fabulous, summer sandals. Right? I was packing my last bag, the toiletry bag. See, that's another reason why I have 5 bags. My kids were playing quietly in the other room, too quiet. I have 2 crazy boys and if there is ever a moment when they are quiet that means either they broke something or they are asleep. This time however, instead of me checking on them, every 5 minutes, (I was deeply enveloped in my laundry duties.) (this rarely happens). As I was folding my 20th load of laundry, I thought to myself, my kids are quiet, too quiet. I walked out to the kitchen to find my son with a red face and grasping for breath. Red liquid was streaming down his face as he was grabbing at his throat. I immediately sprung into action. I ran to his side and hit him twice on his back. I was so filled with adrenaline I thought I had broken his spine. With the second hit out flew a piece of red candy he had found under the couch. (Oh, by the way he had pulled the couch over on its side so he could have a fort to hide in). After everything was over, I just sat there on the floor with him in my arms like a new born infant. Him and I just cried. I cried because I thought I had failed as a mother and he cried because he thought I was angry at him. The exact opposite was true. My sons are my life, my day, my night. Without them I would have nothing. I live for them, I am a better person because of them. My sons are my reason for being me. (let the violins begin)( Oh, and my husband, love you sweetie) My son continued to cry in my arms for just a few moments. He looked up at me and smiled and said, "mama don't cry. Mama you know what will make us better? A Popsicle!" I would give him the Moon if he asked for it. I smiled and gave him and his brother a Popsicle. Once they went down for naps I walked straight to my closet and sunck to the floor. Tears were falling from my eyes like Niagara Falls. I thought to myself, "how am I going to raise 2 boys to adulthood if I can barely keep them alive!! It was a low moment, a moment of dispair. As I sat there thinking how horrible I was, my son walked in. He walked strait to me and hugged me. He looked at me and said, "Mama, no more tears, the Popsicle fixed us." Kids are so wise. I smiled and threw my arms around him. I continued to pick him up and bring him back to his bed. I decided to lay down with him until he fell asleep. It reminded me of the days when he was a baby. I laid there with him in my arms and as my eyes became heavy, I thought, I can do this and even if I can't, I know my young, wise son will be there to reassure me. Because, no matter what. No matter if I'm in my dirty sweats or if I'm beautiful or ugly or if I'm the silliest person in the room. He will love me unconditionally. No one else in the world can be so innocent, so caring as children. And if you ever have a nightmare like mine remember the wise words of my son, a Popsicle fixes everything 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Making The Almighty Grocery List

Ah, July! The one month out of the year when I pack up my house and go to the beach for 10 days. It is a mighty journey over the mountains to the beach. My tiny, little Honda barely makes it. 10 days should equal 10 outfits for me and the boys but, of course, that never happens. It's cold some days and hot others. You never know what might happen. Everything was shmushed down and packed up. It only took me 4 hours to pack. That's a record for me. Yay me! I loaded up the boys and the equivalent of a small home and headed over the hill. We finally arrived at the beach around dinner time. Let me add that my 4 sisters and their families also, go with us. 10 kids and 10 adults. Fun times are ready to be had. We pulled up at 4 pm. A perfect time to unload, feed the kids and throw them in bed. Let the wine flow. When my sisters and I get together we are similar to a group of hens clucking away in their pen. It is a great time. It is a time where we can sit back, relax, drink and chat about anything and everything. Husbands, kids, carpool. We also,put together the Almighty Grocery List. A grocery list should be an easy thing, right? It should be a quick 3 step process: plan meals, write them down, go shopping. No! That is not how it goes with this gaggle of geese. Let me relay the step by step process taken to assemble the grocery list: Step 1. Search the universe for a piece of paper. Step 2. locate a pen. Step 3. Laugh at the fact that we can't find a pen and paper Step 4. Pour another glass of wine. Step 5. Write down the essentials needed for a beach vacation, Chips, candy, wine... Step 6. stop writing grocery list, start chatting and at the same time sing old country songs (quietly though) kids are sleeping. Step 7. start talking about everything from allergies to buggers. Step 8. pour another glass of wine. Step 9. find something sweet to eat. Step 10. While singing country songs compare and contrast the hot men of country music. Trace Atkins you have a special place in my heart. Step 11. Surf Internet for recipes that everyone can eat. (some people have allergies, some people can't have dairy, so on and so forth) Step 12. Another glass of wine, please. Step 13. Are we still doing the grocery list. We finished the list but not until the next morning. See, what happens after women and wine mix. The women's natural inclination is to get sidetracked, move on to something else and have another glass of wine. It's a gene I think that all woman are born with. Well, at least, my sisters and I. For now, pour me another glass of wine! -G